Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velázquez, Portrait of Pope Innocent X Pamphilj (Rome, Doria Pamphilj Gallery fc 289)
Giovanni Battista Pamphilj
(Rome 7.5.1574 – 7.1.1655)
was elected pope on 15 September 1644, taking the name Innocent X. His portrait by Velázquez conveys a unique and brilliant summary of his stern and rigorous life.

Jodocus van Hamme, Portrait of Olimpia Maidalchini Pamphilj (Rome, Doria Pamphilj Gallery fc 126)
Olimpia Maidalchini Pamphilj
(Viterbo 26.5.1592 – S. Martino al Cimino 26.9.1657)
was a rich noblewoman, sister-in-law of Pope Innocent X and mother of Prince Camillo. She was powerful and strong-willed and fiercely criticized and disapproved of by the enemies of her brother-in-law the Pope. Forced to withdraw to the feudal property of San Martino al Cimino she died there of the plague, alone.

Giovan Battista Gaulli, known as Baciccio, Portrait of Camillo Pamphilj as General of the Church (Rome, Doria Pamphilj Collection fc 714)
Camillo Pamphilj
(Naples 21.2.1622 – Rome 26.7.1666)
became Prince of Valmontone in 1651, and Cardinal Nephew of his uncle the Pope from 12 December 1644. He married princess Olimpia Aldobrandini on 10 February 1647, and greatly increased the family’s artistic heritage.

Jacob Voet, Portrait of Olimpia Aldobrandini Pamphilj (Rome, Doria Pamphilj Collection fc 717)
Olimpia Aldobrandini
(Rome 20.4.1623 – 19.12.1681)
Princess of Meldola, Sarsina and Rossano, was the last descendant of the Aldobrandini family. In 1638, she married Prince Paolo Borghese who died on 24 June 1646, and on 10 February 1647, she remarried Prince Camillo Pamphilj. From their marriage five children were born: Giovanni Battista, Flaminia, Anna, Benedetto and Teresa.

Antonio David, Portrait of Giovan Battista Pamphilj Aldobrandini (Rome, Doria Pamphilj Gallery fc 718)
Giovanni Battista Pamphilj Aldobrandini
(Rome 24.06.1648 – 7.11.1709)
firstborn of Camillo and Olimpia Aldobrandini, had rights as both oldest son and heir of the Pamphilj family and as second son of the Aldobrandini family. Although very young when his father died, he continued his accomplishments and was a patron of the arts and music.

Jacob Voet, Portrait of Anna Pamphilj (Genoa, Villa del Principe – Palazzo di Andrea Doria fc 654)
Anna Pamphilj
(Rome 12.2.1652 – Genoa 21.3.1728)
was the third daughter of Camillo and Olimpia Aldobrandini. On 25.10.1671, she married the Genoese Prince Giovanni Andrea III Doria Landi and they had six children. This marriage was what later led to the choice of the Doria family as heir to the Pamphilj family in 1760.

Roman painter of c. 1700, Portrait of Cardinal Benedetto Pamphilj (Rome, Doria Pamphilj Collection fc 723)
Benedetto Pamphilj
(Rome 25.04.1653 – 22.3.1730)
was the youngest son of Camillo and Olimpia and was given a thorough and refined education. He became a cardinal on 1 September 1681, and being a cultivated bibliophile, he wrote about a hundred essays and was patron and protector of artists and musicians.

Early 19th-century painter, Portrait of Andrea IV Doria Pamphilj (Genoa, Villa del Principe – Palazzo di Andrea Doria fc 732)
Andrea IV Doria Pamphilj Landi
(Genoa 30.10.1747 – Rome 28.03.1820)
Prince of Melfi, was the first in his family to adopt the name Doria Pamphilj Landi and to take up residence in the newly refurbished Pamphilj palace on via del Corso. On 17 May 1767, he married Princess Leopolda of Savoy Carignano, and they had nine children.

Valentin Carderera, Portrait of Teresa Orsini Doria Pamphilj (Rome, Doria Pamphilj Collection fc 631)
Teresa Orsini di Gravina
(Gravina di Puglia 23.3.1788 – Rome 3.7.1829)
married Prince Luigi Giovanni Andrea V Doria Landi Pamphilj on 2 October 1808, and they had four children. She promoted and personally took charge of many charitable works, and on 16 May 1821 she founded the Congregation of Hospital Sisters of Mercy. She was beatified on 15 May 2009.

Gustavo Mancinelli, Portrait of Filippo Andrea V Doria Pamphilj (Rome, Doria Pamphilj Collection fc 611)
Filippo Andrea V Doria Pamphilj Landi
(Rome 28.9.1813 – 19.3.1876)
prince of Melfi. In 1839, he married Mary Alethea Talbot of the Earls of Shrewsbury. Very involved in social work, he also had an interest in agricultural innovation and financial institutions, and was appointed Papal Minister of Arms on 4 May 1848 and Senator of the new Kingdom of Italy on 1 December 1870.

Alessandro Capalti, Portrait of Mary Alethea Talbot Doria Pamphilj (Rome, Doria Pamphilj Collection fc 630)
Mary Alethea Beatrix Talbot
of the Earls of Shrewsbury
(29.5.1815 – Rome 18.12.1858)
daughter of John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, “the most prominent British Catholic” of his time, married Filippo Andrea V Doria Landi Pamphilj on 4 April 1839, and they had seven children. She was much loved in Rome – as was her sister Gwendolyn, wife of Marcantonio Borghese – for their religious devotion and charitable activities.

Silvio Galimberti, Portrait of Alfonso Doria Pamphilj (Genoa, Villa del Principe – Palazzo di Andrea Doria fc 737)
Alfonso Doria Pamphilj Landi
(Rome 25.9.1851 – 5.12.1914)
duke of Avigliano, second son of Filippo Andrea V, received the title in 1890, when his brother Giovanni Andrea passed away. He and his wife Emily had eight children: Orietta, Filippo Andrea and Giovanni Andrea, who died prematurely. He was the first president of the National Social Security Fund for aged and infirm workers, vice-president of the Red Cross and founder of the Institute for Foundlings. He became Senator of the Kingdom in 1894, and also had a strong interest in art.

Bérard, Portrait of Emily Pelham Clinton Doria Pamphilj (Rome, Doria Pamphilj Collection fc 849)
Emily Augusta Mary Pelham Clinton
of the Dukes of Newcastle-under-Lyne
(London 28.4.1863 – Rome 23.12.1919)
married prince Alfonso in London on June 24, 1882 and they had three children. Among the many charities she headed during the First World War was the Roman Committee for Soldiers’ Funds and the Women’s Workshops for Civil Assistance, which had their headquarters in Palazzo Doria Pamphilj during the period 1915-1919.

Portrait of Filippo Andrea VI Doria Pamphilj (Rome, Doria Pamphilj Archives, daguerreotype collection, no. 100)
Filippo Andrea VI Doria Pamphilj
(Rome 1.03.1886 – 13.02.1958)
Prince of Melfi, married a Scotswoman, Gesine Dykes, and they had one daughter, Orietta. Openly opposed to the Fascist regime, he was exiled by the direct order of Mussolini on 13 August 1940 but continued his philanthropic activities. Chosen by the Allies and by the National Liberation Committee, he was Mayor of Rome from 1944 to 1946.