

The Villa del Principe offers special deals for groups with reduced rates and a whole range of specific activities and initiatives for the discovery of the museum, garden and all the treasures of the ancient palace of Andrea Doria in a unique and exciting way.

Villa del Principe offers an internal tour guide service. Our guides are highly qualified art historians who will accompany you with diligence and passion in exploring the Villa, its fascinating history and the incredible works of art housed within it.

Groups can consist of a maximum of 35 visitors, in order to make the visit more meaningful and engaging.


Groups have access to the main floor of the Villa del Principe and its wonderful Italian garden.

To make your visit even more interesting, you may agree in advance on a thematic guided visit, or focus on specific topics related to aspects or events of the history and works of the Villa that appeal to your tastes and interests. For more information, e-mail us at info.ge@dopart.it or call +39 010 255509.

To enjoy a totally exclusive experience, you may book a private guided tour when the museum is closed to the public, which will allow you to enjoy the beauties of the Villa in a unique atmosphere. For info and rates on this service, please contact info.ge@dopart.it or call +39 010 255509.


Group rates are €9 per person (by group we mean up to 20 visitors).

The specialised internal guide tour service is available at a cost of €100. This rate is valid for groups of no more than 35 people.

Business hours

Daily, 10 am to 6 pm. Last admission: 4 pm.

For groups, reservations are required and can be made by email at info.ge@dopart.it or by calling +39 010 255509.


The didactic section was recently born with the intent to facilitate the visit of the museum for scholastic institutes and for adults and seniors that normally don’t visit the Villa del Principe. Diversified activities have been organized and signalled in the news section with the intent to create an even more direct relationship with those who already assiduously live the museum reality and in the same time to encourage a wider and more aware use for a larger range of the population. The didactic activities are diversified according to the different levels of scholastic instruction. Besides the classic guided tour of the halls of the noble floor and of the monumental garden restored flowing the stile of the late 16th century, Didactic labs have been activated, consisting in a practical section, that makes the students active characters, and aimed mainly at kindergarten and preschool kids, the didactic tours supported with multimedia equipment, study different aspects of the household and are aimed for middle schools and high schools. The activities will be charged. With regard to the activities, exclusively for school groups, we renew the offer presented for the inauguration of the didactic section: the kids will pay only the lowered price ticket to the museum and the activities will be free of charge.

Didactic tours

Aiming at a strong interaction between museum and scholastic operators, didactic tours have been created in which diversified introductory lectures with multimedia supports will be arranged following the study area chose by the teacher and held in our didactic hall or in the institute that presents the request. After this easier approach we will proceed with the habitual guided tour that will be lived with greater awareness by the students, this because the subjection that normally the museum setting arouses will be surpassed quickly, leaving the pace to a truly fascinating experience in the historic household still inhabited by the Doria descendants. This course of action has led to such a level of involvement to transform the students , after the visit, in tour guides for a day illustrating the settings of the noble floor to their parents, a feedback activity turned out to be very stimulating.

Didactic labs

Besides the classic initiatives with a traditional structure, we decided to ad various practical laboratories , held by our main gardener , to study the precious essences that are still cultivated in the Garden of the Prince. The leitmotiv will be biodiversity and the excitement that the direct contact with the world of flora and fauna lights in the students. Accustomed to urban life the students and the smaller kids will be the first ones to intensely enjoy the only green area survived to the impetuous urban development that this part of Genoa underwent. The intent is to address the kindergarten and elementary classes which will be directly involved in the art and botanic lab on the tapestry of Alessandro, organized thanks to the collaboration of Simonetta Chiarugi ,specialist in this field.


The price for the educational courses is € 9.00 per student, guide tour €150.00 each group.

The fee for workshops in the garden is € 5.00 for each student.


For didactic tours in the museum: every day from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Last admission at 17.00.

For workshops in the garden: Monday to Friday from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

For the didactic labs it is compulsory to make a reservation which can be made by e-mail, by writing to info.ge@dopart.it or by calling +39 010 255509.